There is a huge lobby for normalization of SARS Cov 2. Entire industries depend on the public’s return to normal consumer and working behaviors. As such, the rationalizations and reassurances to the public that SARS Cov 2 is a normal seasonal Coronavirus are relentless. These are constructed like homilies and catch-phrases, such as “we must learn to live with it,” and, “it’s endemic,” with the implication of its endemicity referring to the abandonment of efforts which acknowledge its existence, such as testing.
It is a complete misconception that introduction of a virus to the immune system makes subsequent infections like a common cold, and that virulence is due to novelty. If nerves, organs, and immune systems could speak, they would tell a tale of exceptional inflammation, aging, and death, which we must turn to science to hear. Professor Fuhrer would be taken aback to find there are efforts to examine specific mechanisms which tell another tale than his own.
Here, I will give you, the reader, clear enumerations where SARS Cov 2 is unlike a common cold.
SARS Cov 2 triggers a unique, long-lived inflammatory overreaction unseen in Sepsis and influenza.
It caused cells of the immune system to react in a way to create further inflammation and activation of the immune system for an extended amount of time. For technical facets of this, please see the paper.
SARS Cov 2 sends T cells into the brain while lethal influenza does not.
SARS Cov 2 directly causes autoimmunity by reprogramming a special type of T cell called the T regulatory cell, which has never been observed before.
The human genetic line has not propagated any sarbecovirus elements therefore never has faced Sarbecovirus infection to the extent to evolutionarily adapt, except in the unlikely theoretical possibility of extremely negative selection (meaning infected humans did not create progeny.)
There are more exceptional facets but these are simple and digestible. There is also more to write about but I must make a confession. The status quo has morphed in such a way as to browbeat scientists into disavowing a harsh reality in order to acquiesce to corporate and business interests. As we see the average life expectancy decline, we have been left intellectually out in the cold. The truth tellers have been assaulted and crushed, and the individuals that comprise the public, in denial, will put off the realization of a below 70s life expectancy until each one approaches retirement in piecemeal, just as all the grains of sand in an hourglass do not fall at once.
As usual, excellent.
Others of us (non-scientists) are brow beaten, as well. However, we can’t submit easily.
I, for one, am committed to exposing the deceit to the best of my ability. We can’t give up.
Just want to say Thank you!